Saturday, June 19, 2010

365 Things To Make and Do

365 Things to Make and Do by Usborne Activities is a great book. There are 365 things to make and do because there 365 days in the year. So you can have something to look forward to each day. This is a great book and you should buy it. It has a lot of great things to make. The book shows you how to make the things by showing you all the steps. If you don't buy it, I will be showing you some of the things from the book-- like how to decorate eggs with tissue paper and Boxfold Cards made out of paper and simple quilling also made of paper. I might show how to decorate boxes too. There are some things for younger kids and there are some more difficult things for older kids.


  1. cool I can't wait for you to show me how to decorate boxes.

  2. Ooohhh! This looks like a FUN book and I love the fact that there are some things for younger kids and some for older. I'll be checking it out!

  3. I love knowing that this book is kid-approved!
